Col's Australian Railway Books & Hobbies are privileged to retail for one of the worlds best manufacturers of Model Railway products such as Decoders, Controllers, Programmers, Locomotives, Rollingstock and much, much more.
In addition to being a retailer, we also offer programming & testing of ESU decoders.
CabControl (# 50310) In stock at $750
ECoS 2.1 Command System (# 50210) Temporarily Out of Stock
LokProgrammer (# 53451 - EU power cord) in stock at $240 In stock at $240.00
LokProgrammer (# 53452 - US power cord) in stock at $240 In stock at $240.00
Loksound 5 Decoders
LokSound 5 (Blank) Decoders DCC 8 Pin NEM652 (# 58420) In Stock at $160
LokSound 5 (Blank) Decoders DCC 21 MTC (# 58429) In Stock at $160
LokSound 5 (Blank) Decoders DCC/MM/SX 6 Pin NEM651 + Speaker (# 58416) In Stock at $170
LokSound 5 (Blank) Decoders DCC/MM/SX 8 Pin NEM652 + Speaker (# 58410) In Stock at $170
LokSound 5 (Blank) Decoders DCC/MM/SX 21 MTC + Speaker (# 58419) In Stock at $170
LokPilot Decoders
LokPilot 5 (Blank) Decoders DCC/MM/SX 8 Pin NEM 652 (# 59610) In stock at $65
LokPilot 5 (Blank) Decoders DCC/MM/SX 21 Pin MTC NEM 660 (# 59619) In stock at $65
LokPilot Function Decoders
LokPilot 5 (Blank) Decoders Fx DCC/MM/SX 8 Pin NEM 652 (# 59210) In stock at $36
LokPilot 5 (Blank) Decoders Fx DCC/MM/SX 21 Pin MTC NEM 660 (# 59219) In stock at $36
SwithPilot 3, 4 Accessory Decoder DCC/MM, OLED (# 51830) In Stock at $65
Decoder Tester (# 53900) In stock at $70
Premuim Service Tray (# 41010) In Stock at $35
Servo Motor, precision mini RC servo, with metal gears 30cm cable (# 51805) In stock at $30
Servo extension cable 75cm (# 51810) In stock at $6
If there are any products not in stock you are interested in please drop us a line and we'll happily order them for you.
Decoders with DCC/MM/SX/M4 are multi-protocol decoders. These decoders are designed to work with the many digital systems available on the European market such as DCC with RailComPlus, Motorola, Selectrix and Märklin.
Decoders with DCC are single-protocol decoders. The Australian and American market use a standard digital system, DCC with RailComPlus. However these decoders have the option of a 3 point speed curve as well as the full 28 point speed curve. Speakers will need to be purchased separately.